Beckylunatic Might Have Written Her Last Post
In case you’re a regular visitor of either the Arcgames or Uncensored message boards, you’ve probably stumbled upon a post or two of well known community member “beckylunatic”. Or let’s say you couldn’t dodge her, because she truly lived up to her name and posted like crazy. She was the first one to reach 10,000 posts on Arcgames and also still tops the list on our own board. A few months ago however, her posts suddenly started to disappear. Her Arcgames profile says she hasn’t logged in since last November.
We contacted her some time ago and while we won’t share details of the conversation, it didn’t sound like she would come back to an “increasingly dissatisfying” game. We couldn’t really disagree with the reasons she pointed out and since nothing seems to have changed her mind recently, the community is probably losing one of its most outspoken member.
Beckylunatic was a regular contributor to Uncensored and often the voice of reason around here. She was as tough as helpful in conversations and never shied away from opposing a majority’s opinion. She will be missed, but we happily wish her all the best in her future online and real life! Cheers!
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I wondered where she was.
I wonder about those un-disagree-able reasons she pointed …
Her Agree:Disagree ratio was more than 19:1. She always seemed to point out the silliness on both sides, Dev and Players, but always managed to stay on the right side of “bashing” and trolling.
But I wonder why she would not allow the blogger to quote her reasons for leaving, but did not mind her Arc forum profile page being posted.
That’s the wrong assumption. She didn’t disallow anything being posted, we just generally don’t share contents of private messages unless green-lighted. We never approached her to get permissions.
Ah, when I first read the blog I was sure it said “…while she won’t share details of the conversation…”, but now I see it says “we”.
I figured she had reasons for leaving that she did not want broadcast, but it’s just you did not OK it with her?
Was she shadow banned by one of the game’s two problem mods?
What is “Shadow” banned?
Anyway, that would not stop her posting here. If she has quit the game, she probably just has nothing to say about it.
Really sad to see so many player leave …cryptic should look into this Exodus. Clearly they are doing something wrong
When a person is “shadow banned”, they can keep posting, but unbeknownst to them, no one else can see their posts. The idea being, an actual ban might spur them to make another account and keep causing trouble, but a shadow ban means they don’t know no one else can read what they write, they just think they’re being ignored, so they go away on their own.
So a Shadow Ban is a dishonest, deceitful, fraudulent and sneaky way of a Moronorator ensuring that someone does not know that their posts are invisible to everyone? I have never, in my entire life and about 20 years on the internet, heard of that before, ever.
Is this something unique to Craptrick’s Moronorators?