Calling The Community For A Dungeon Memories Round Table
Hey guys!
We have recently intensified our efforts to bring new writers to the blog to extent the variety and add more content. We know we have a dedicated community and a lot of daily readers and making this more of a community project has always been one of our main targets. You will hopefully be able to read stuff from a lot more people going forward. If you yourself are interested in helping out on the blog project, contact us on our forum or email us at The door is always open and we do not have any requirements so far. No matter whether you actually have own ideas or just want to help on the daily stuff, don’t hesitate!
In the meantime we think the new Maze Engine module provides a great opportunity to try out another format we’ve been thinking of for a longer time: A community round table. With the reintroduction of some of the old dungeons, we think it’s interesting to take a trip down memory lane and revisit the original designs of Castle Never, Cloak Tower, Karrundax, Frozen Heart and Pirate’s King.
We want to hear your good and bad memories, funny stories and anecdotes, weird and annoying moments, first and last impressions, victories and defeats, loot and lag, shortcuts and long fights! If you have anything to share about the original dungeons, Xbox or PC, fire away! It can, but absolutely don’t have to, be related to the new design of the dungeons. Please use for submissions so we have one place to gather your stuff. In the spirit of uncensored your input will be treated anonymously unless you explicitly provide a nickname, @handle or e-mail that should be put next to your entry. We will be gathering submissions until the Maze Engine release and, in case we receive enough, posting the round tables shortly after.
We are looking forward to what you guys come up with!