Critical Bug Eats up Refining Points
Currently there’s a nasty bug related to the refining system that you should know about. This bug is confirmed for PC, we’re not sure about consoles. As posted by user reg1981 on our message board, sometimes hitting “update” in the refining UI does nothing. And when you click it again, it’ll consume twice the refining points.
[su_quote]I have noticed several times while upgrading enchantments that from time to time when you fill the refinement bar and click upgrade it can do nothing. When this happens you can just hit upgrade again however it dumps the amount of RP selected into the enchantment twice and takes it into the next rank.
Example: Rank 7 enchant needs 5k RP to upgrade. I put my bar to full showing 5k used and click upgrade. Nothing happens. Click upgrade again and it consumes 10k RP and fills my new R8 enchant with 5k towards the next level.[/su_quote]
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This is already annoying, but at least no refining points get lost. This changes however if you’re trying to upgrade an enchantment or artifact gear to its maximum rank. In that case, no RPs can be transferred to the next level and are effectively lost.
[su_quote]I was taking my OP’s off hand from purple to orange. It called for 203k RP. No problem, I had just over 300k in the pool. I clicked upgrade, nothing happened. I clicked it again, my offhand went orange and it consumed all 300k of my RP but there was no next level so that is 100k lost RP.[/su_quote]
A workaround to this issue is making the final upgrade a two-step process. First you refine the item to 90% and then finalize it with the remaining 10%. That way you only risk losing a small portion of the RP and not the full amount. However, the safest way to avoid the bug is to not refine at all. The devs are aware and working on it. So here’s hoping that it will be fixed soon, because nobody likes losing refining points.
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“However, the safest way to avoid the bug is to refining at all.”
Probably typo.
Thanks alot for getting us heard tho 🙂
Indeed, thanks!
after talking to support for 2 weeks! and showing them a video of the issue, they told me they cant refund me the missing 130k RP!, claiming that “they cant prove my RP is missing”
thats after 2 weeks of back and forth chats with them, and i uploaded a video of the whole issue (with Nvidia share, you can record 10 minutes backwards)
shame they have such bad support….