Let’s Have Some Fun and Get Neverwinter to Win MMOGames’ Best F2P MMO of 2017 MMOGames
What can you do when you’re stuck in a mid-module drought and Christmas preparations become more important than logging in? Well, how about generating some excitement and vote Neverwinter the best free-2-play MMO of 2017. As always, MMOGames has put up various community polls to find the best games in different categories. Neverwinter is located in the free-2-play bracket.
The list is a bit weird though. One of the top competitors in Guild Wars 2 is not really free-2-play. And then titles like Star Trek Online are completely missing. But this is not so much about whether the voting is meaningful, I wouldn’t expect the best game to win anyway. It’s more about whether we as community can pull off a win for our game! We started to promote the competition yesterday and were already able to take over the top spot. But now is not the time to let up! You can vote daily, so make sure to come back regularly.
We’ll continue to post this on the blog for the remainder of the vote (it end Dec 31st) and would urge you to share this in your guilds, on reddit, Arcgames, Facebook groups, Twitter, ingame, everywhere. With your help, we’re sure we can have some fun and win this thing!
Neverwinter UN:Blogged is always looking for writers to contribute to the blog. If you are an active player and search for a way to spread your opinions, analysis, diaries or reviews to more than 40,000 regular visitors, then don’t hesitate and get in touch with us on our contact page or message board! We are currently especially looking for console and PVP content, but that’s not exclusive. There is no frequency requirement, you post how often you want.
Neverwinter does not deserve this title… maybe most ruined game title would work.
I voted for Warframe. I am just too disgusted with Cryptic. Awards should go to people that are doing a good job, creating value, and exercise concern for their customers interests. Insanely buggy products, with the worst customer service imaginable, and horrible forum mods that shadow ban people for disagreeing with them does not best at anything make.
Fair points, but prepare to be on the losing side! 🙂
Community is what this poll is about. Voting the best game isn’t.
I thought you were played without a game. it is not so. (,) is the player who takes out the orange mauth box, and the epic, mythic passenger cars, 10 passenger herdies .. One player and 10 passengers .. amazed .. in this vote admin, gm no? the game control by the administrator 0 .. without leaving the game to develop and control, without renovating this is what will be left in the middle of the .. men, ladies, time to evaluate the quality of games will switch. it remains a poor quality game played by a young child in this game … I ask you guys? I’ve been playing this game since module 4 .. and I’m getting a 12 month premium .. a single mouth did not come out of the boxes .. the game managers are not interested in the game. All the tasks are routine and the same .. Carnival and events are the same .. After a certain time everything is similar .. There is no control by the managers at the moment .. We can not find a partner in the game. (,) named player gets 10 mythic and precious mouths every day from the boxes .. a time close to a month. I do not think it’s a real character. a manager yada admin does not punish and ban this person
I have been playing NW for about 4 years. There was something that caught my attention for a month.he take (name is [,] player )mythic goods from at least 10 boxes every day. despite my 12-month premium, I did not win one mythical item. I think the character (,) is not a real player. it must be a boot (fake) character. it is not possible to win 10×30 = 300 pieces of equipment every month in one month. and the game manager must stop at it. and they do not. Do not you see this? This is an uncomfortable situation for all players. After four years I decided to quit the game. time is valuable. our characters and our money made with real money are worthless due to the characters belonging to these players who are made by cheating. Who would stop it? i asked you and yours team.. have a nice day