The Lowbie Diaries Vol. 29: I’m Rich Biaaatch
Welcome to a project, experiment, challenge or whatever you wanna call it. Normally experiencing the content with well-geared toons, I figured it would be quite interesting to approach the game from the perspective of a casual player. How does it feel starting from scratch and build up a character without the help of your mains? How long does it take until you are geared enough for the latest endgame content? Welcome to the Lowbie Diaries, it should be fun!
I’m afraid the update on my newly created lowbie DC is rather short this time. I’m still in the mid-60s grinding out the Elemental Evil and Tyranny campaign. It doesn’t look like I’m going to finish them before reaching 70, but I didn’t expect to. I also mix in Maze Engine and Underdark quests here and there and can soon start Sharandar as well.
I like the current flexibility and variety post-60. If you witnessed Module 6 first hand you surely know what I’m talking about. The Elemental Evil campaign is still kind of dragging, but at least you can choose not to do it on a daily basis and still progress in other areas.
The big reason why I couldn’t play the DC as much as I liked to is simple. The Jubilee happened. In my review I talked about how amazing the money making potential was and my lowbie account serves as a prime example. Of course I did exchange all of my ADs in anticipation of the ZEN sale, which netted me about 4.5k. I bought myself up to VIP Rank 12, the Wisp for my build, a bag, Enchanted Keys and some bank space. Double RP brought my second legendary, but I missed the fourth mythic Artifact by a few inches.
With 200,000 AD left I quickly realized you could resell GMoPs for profit using the event and VIP discounts. In the first days even the 15% one was able to create a decent margin of profit. Additionally the Marks sold like hot cakes because of the concurrent double refining event. So I was almost able to flip the investment during the 30 minutes the discounts were active. 200k turned to 400k, to 700k, to 1.2M. The more people caught on, the higher discounts and patience you needed to make the numbers work, but it remained a stable source of income throughout the event.
I didn’t have as much success with the ZEN vouchers. Coal Wards was pretty much the only item that sold reliably. I tried some companions as well, but some of them still linger in my auction list. With my last discount I wrapped up the event by buying three full stacks of GMoPs. Add 15 SMoPs, some other stuff and I probably made north of 6M total. Given that I started from 200k you can probably imagine what others were able to do with those discounts.
I’ve yet to decide what I do with the ADs, but the last week was by far the most profitable one of the account. It also shows anyone can make it in this game. You just need to seize opportunities.
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See you next time!
The Lowbie Diaries Vol. 24: In The Army Now
The Lowbie Diaries Vol. 25: Portobello’s Campaign
The Lowbie Diaries Vol. 26: Maturity
The Lowbie Diaries Vol. 27: Illithiel
The Lowbie Diaries Vol. 28: Siege of Neverwinter
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