Monday’s Bag Of Tricks Vol. 23: Genie’s Gift vs. Slayer Ring Of The Xvim

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Welcome to the 23th installment of Monday’s Bag of Tricks! On some Mondays you will find useful tricks, gimmicks and ideas here that can make life in Neverwinter Online easier. Some of the stuff should be well known, but since even veterans learn something new every now and then, chance is you can, too.

This is a follow-up to last week’s edition, in which we detailed how to make more money off Genie’s Gift by swapping it for a Lesser Dragon’s Hoard Enchantment. In the comments one of our users rightfully noted that spending the Gift on a Bag of Icewind Wealth and getting a Slayer Ring of the Xvim is an option as well.

The Ring is currently listed for 45k on Dragon, the task itself is 10k AD and you need to add five gold, 40 Konig Coins and two Gifts. This will net you 15k per Gift, once again more than selling it outright at 10k minus fees.

This is a great alternative to the Hoards depending on the market situation. Currently it’s actually a good time to switch, because the Enchants have dropped so low that it’s not worth swapping the Gift for them any longer.

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Monday’s Bag Of Tricks Vol. 19: Neverwinter VIP Pays For Itself
Monday’s Bag Of Tricks Vol. 20: Neverwinter Standalone Version
Monday’s Bag Of Tricks Vol. 21: Avoiding The ARC Frame In The Official Forum
Monday’s Bag Of Tricks Vol. 22: Genie’s Gift vs. Lesser Dragon Hoard Enchantment

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