Players Report Tymora’s Spinning Coin and Waukeen’s Horde Artifact Damage Loops

The devs made updates to older events one of their key elements in Module 15. Pretty much all the bigger events received at least some new rewards. That’s great, unless one of those annoying bugs sneaks in and spoils the fun for everyone. This seems to be the case with the new event Artifacts Tymora’s Spinning Coin and Waukeen’s Horde. We have to wait for the next instance of Waukeen a little longer, but Tymora is running on PC right now and the rewards very obtainable. Here’s the original bug report that has since been removed from the official Arcgames message board (still viewable in our ARC Undelete database by the way):

[su_quote]Both of them cause an insane damage loop in dominion at last. I’ve seen this happen more and more, you run in 5 vs 1 on any node, 5 player will be wiped out on artifact usage. The first one used by a dc, 5 vs 1 , the 5 one all pvp player , so not pve build, new tymora’s artifact in this case. Don’t know what the dc was using in that moment, but wiping out 5 bis player alone with a dc is not possible. The second one has a similar effect, even if in this case the kill is not istant, i’ve see at last 3 big proc from it, was used by an SW, he was not attaking, just showing the broken effect of the artifact. Artifact activation, 3 proc of damage, campfire.[/su_quote]

The poster also attached this ACT parse and mentioned that both Artifacts fully scale with buffs, making the potential damage even higher. We’re certainly not talking one-shot possibility in PVE here, but you can easily see why those numbers cause trouble in PVP.

Bug Known Since Preview

This is not something that’s hitting the game out of the blue by the way. The bug was well-known and documented on preview already, and the first post about it during the live phase came about ten days ago. Now it seems the bug is prominent enough that the devs have to move it higher up their priority list (if they aren’t working on it already anyway). We surely hope they will be able to track and fix it asap.

[su_youtube_advanced url=”” responsive=”no” https=”yes”]

For the Tymora event it could mean that the Artifact itself sells over value at the moment. Many players want to get a look at the bugged version firsthand or think they have to use it in PVP because everyone does. Needless to say that this will get corrected at some point and that the market will eventually settle. So if you want to buy one, it might make sense to wait a little longer.

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6 thoughts on “Players Report Tymora’s Spinning Coin and Waukeen’s Horde Artifact Damage Loops

  • November 25, 2018 at 12:35 pm

    LOL! LOL! LOL! 😀

  • November 26, 2018 at 1:29 pm

    Gonna start referring to this game as Buggerwinter.
    It’s like all the money that goes into the game just gets funneled to some Perfect World exec’s yacht. The actual quality control gets paid for with pop-corn.

    • November 27, 2018 at 5:44 am

      Neverworking is what everyone calls it

  • November 27, 2018 at 7:29 am

    better not use the artifact or else you risk getting banned for yet another bug LOL

  • November 29, 2018 at 1:09 am

    I don’t understand, what exactly people think is bugged in Tymora Coin? Because it heals and gives damage resistance for short period?

    • November 29, 2018 at 2:35 am

      Not the Tymora’s Lucky Coin belt item that you toss for a 10 minute buff (like Adorable Pocket Pet, Miniature Space Hamster). The Spinning Coin artifact that one-shots everyone in PvP.


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