Shroud of Souls Console Primer: Stronghold Changes and Additions
Guild Strongholds will get a bunch of new additions in “Shroud of Souls“. About a week before the official release date, let’s quickly go over the changes and preview their impact. In case you’re interested in the upcoming story, Loadouts and Queue and Item Level changes, click here.
Marauders Guild Event
First of all, guilds will get another Dragonflight like event inside Strongholds that alternates with the dragons at the bottom of the hour. It can be activated using a new NPC at the eastern entrance and starts a defensive scenario in which the guild has to fend off endless waves of mobs that increase in strength the longer the event lasts. With the sole objective of killing mobs, Marauders is already not very innovative. Unfortunately the rewards also do not match the grind and so guilds on PC only do it once for the weekly 600 Influence it grants for all participants.
Guild Hall Interior and Decoration
As exclusively visual and role-playing element, Guild Halls inside Strongholds can be decorated in “Shroud of Souls”! Players can earn, craft and buy interior and decoration from various places and donate it to the guild. Leaders with the appropriate permissions can then place the stuff inside the Guild Hall. This allows guilds to create an unique home for their members and although there’s no gameplay element attached to it, has been welcomed on PC. Unfortunately a bug might carry over that currently prevents replacing interior, because the replaced item is not added to the warehouse again. Also it’s not possible to preview anything. So there’s no way to tell how something is going to look other than placing it.
Temporary Structures
GH20 guilds will finally have something to spend resources on again! New temporary structures, that last for a week, help in Masterwork progression and even add a full new line of gear. Prepare to donate a lot of gems everyone! Other than that the new structures consume basic coffers like Food, Wood, Metal, Stone and Labor. So if your guild tends building regularly, you should be able to maintain one or two temporary structures easily.
Smaller guilds do also get some help through temporary structures. The devs identified bottlenecks and added production buildings for them. That way guilds can trade surplus resources for stuff they actually need, like Influence or Gems. We would have liked a more advanced trading feature for resources here, but especially the Influence building should help guilds across the board.
Company Gear
Gearing up alternate characters in Neverwinter is a true grind and pain, and guild members will fortunately get some help there. Company Gear replaces the old Guild Gear and gets a nice bump in item level to 420 (old: 140). This essentially means that you’ll get sufficient, and often the best, gear for all leveling purposes from your Stronghold. You no longer have to compile it from various campaign shops or the seal vendors.
That’s a wrap for our preview of the Stronghold additions and changes in “Shroud of Souls”. Next week we’ll conclude the primer with a look into Masterworks! Until then make sure to post questions and thoughts in the comments below or visit the corresponding thread on our message board.
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If you build the Mysterious Merchant and get something good you can rent temp guild memberships out for coffer donations
If you run Marauders pick only one gate to defend. Let the marauders loot the other two. If the other two gates have fallen you do not have to worry about any one voting to continue to round 2 (only vote choice allowed is no in this situation), but you will still get the influ if one gate stands at the end of the 1st round.