Unblogged Wisdom Checks: What’s Your First Impression of Ravenloft on Consoles?
Making a good first impression is important, right? That’s true for your job interview, date, or meeting your parents-in-law. Depending on how hardcore of an Neverwinter you are, one of the three scenarios might accurately describe the kind of relationship you have with the game! And since Neverwinter sports a new dress for your dinner tonight, it’s only fair to rise your eyebrows and judge whether it’s an improvement over the older stuff in the wardrobe.
Kidding aside, we bet you guys are super pleased to finally being able to explore Ravenloft on consoles. Seeing PC players roaming the mist for months certainly wasn’t easy. But the anticipation was worth it as you can hunt down some vampires and save girls from evil Strahd’s influence. You know, like a true hero would do! Or are you less excited than you thought after playing through the initial story and entering Barovia for the first time?
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Either way, share your impression by taking part in our weekly pool (with a rating of 10 being the best)! As always you can also voice your opinion on our social channels, in the comments below, or the corresponding thread on our message board! Last week we wanted to know whether you feel the new refining pack on the ZEN Market is worth its price tag. The results are attached below!
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Neverwinter UN:Blogged is always looking for writers to contribute to the blog. If you are an active player and search for a way to spread your opinions, analysis, diaries or reviews to more than 75,000 regular visitors, then don’t hesitate and get in touch with us on our contact page or message board! We are currently especially looking for console and PVP content, but that’s not exclusive. There is no frequency requirement, you post how often you want.