Weekly Neverwinter Botting Data

The Neverwinter Botting Data provides an estimation of how many value and items have been generated by bots. It may or may not stay a stable feature on this site.

Within the last 7 days, our tracker recorded a total of 39 sellers posting botted items worth 5,000,000 AD or more for a grand total of 700,719,681 AD.

A more detailed table with all items can be found here.

@handle Value Amount
aezizzya 17439437 690822
aloftbedewoy 8459150 358578
ann0112 24500188 151594
aodssm 6901306 8217
bluejacy031 6916190 42516
bobthefish08 18060024 372438
bravebandit 6800644 218097
cainedarkhallow 37419546 526483
cizikci 5148334 9917
dgjttreer 5268381 71449
eltedeathpir4t3 6321450 56271
faybflowersyp 19688850 130086
flztooff 71362053 580239
fsodesey1 38060379 385364
genorede 5651082 8100
gerlit 37946984 499554
hasenfuss38 32542386 313270
jumalten 14198700 128805
lelalvlrhotmai 47582882 43916
lkfhjdsg 6187600 72468
lordshadow22 9967717 8550
m00nf1re 9700141 131121
majocha 6382300 22310
max45153390 14440906 153669
newmeatnewbie1 7106100 67175
noobaprendiz 10415974 107510
rafaelafholtpu 30637700 160281
reef42 40954233 278141
resistles 38104935 100287
rinotsuki 16079950 179825
rosta333 16286332 165766
snowmanpyvft 19514704 168498
taboret19681 6663926 38226
thenecronlord 8394101 106539
toridademon 8351150 75698
warriatto 34455146 204076
yueudjhfrs 6808800 47152
SUM col-sum col-sum


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