How Does the Neverwinter Queue System Work?

Good day! Tristopher Chettlebell, Neverwinter’s preeminent historian at your service. In my capacity as an expert in all things Neverwinter, I’ve agreed to author a series of articles detailing various situations in Neverwinter that adventurers regularly have trouble understanding. It’s a big job, but nevertheless, I must persevere. Today I would like to explain to you how the Queue System works.

The Neverwinter Party System

First of all, it is important to know that you can team up with your mates in parties or in queue groups.

Neverwinter - Player context menu for Queue and Party invite
Player Context Menu

Bringing up the context menu for a player allows you get a mate to your party using the “Invite to party” option. A party is limited to five and members show up on the left side of your screen. You can look up your party under the social tab (standard key bind “o”). With a party, you can enter daily lairs in the campaign areas or group up for encounters and dragon runs. All adventuring in the open world can be done in a party.

The Neverwinter Queue Group System

Even if you are in a party, your queue group window (standard key bind “k”) states that “you are queuing solo”. That’s because your queue group is not the same as a party. The context menu for players has another entry that’s called “Invite to Queue Group”, which allows you to assemble the players you can queue up with for the random queues, event dungeons, dungeons, epic dungeons, skirmishes, epic trials and pvp listed on the right side of the queue group window. Those players do not show up on your screen and a queue group can have more than five members. The queue group window shows players that are in your party. That way you can quickly invite them with a single click. Additionally players that you have recently played with show up as well.

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Parties and Queue Group Parties

After successfully queuing, your open world party will be replaced with five members of your queue group. The queue group “parties” are visually separated into blocks of five members in the queue group window. You can actually queue out of your current party into a dungeon with different players using the queue group. It is what makes the concept a bit confusing, but you’ll get used to it. To start your journey into an instance, the queue group leader has to select a playable queue and click on “Join Selected Queues”.

Hint: More than one normal queues can be selected. You can however only queue up for one random queue at once.

Neverwinter - Queue-Group Window
Queue Group Window
Neverwinter Queued Instance Management at the bottom left of the minimap
Queued Instance Management

At the end of a run, you’ll get placed back into your open world party, but you need to leave the queue group as well. This can be done inside the queue group window or by using the “Queued Instance Management” that can be found at the bottom left of your mini-map. You can also use a keybind.

My Resume

Because of the system, you might run into unexpected situations. First of all, party and queue group invitations look largely the same. You might be surprised your party does not show up on the screen after an invitation. In that case you probably got added to a queue group and need to hit “k” to see it. Most players still invite you to a party first though, at least for regular five player content, and add you to the queue group after forming the party. If a party leader somehow forgets to form the queue group, the leader would go into an instance alone, leaving the four other members behind in a new queue group with a new leader.

The queue system is splendid as it allows taking a premade group into all content, but it can be downright baffling until you understand the difference between a party and a queue group. That’s why I hope today’s lesson has made adventuring somewhat less confusing. Until next time, I must continue my research.

Did the article help you through the struggles with the queue system? If not, ask Tristopher more questions in the comments below or visit the corresponding thread on our message board!

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3 thoughts on “How Does the Neverwinter Queue System Work?

  • March 24, 2016 at 3:27 pm

    Unfortunately this system has had the side effect of destroying solo queue play. It is absolutely gone.

    I spent 40 minutes in a solo queue for eLOL during primetime yesterday – no pops. this queue popped in 5 minutes or less before.

    I have queued for Demogorgon at least a dozen times – no pop, where it was guarenteed before.

    I even waited for 20 minutes for a KR, something that I could get a team for in under a minute previously.

  • May 22, 2018 at 6:10 pm

    I joined a queues group then it had a pop up only gave me 45 seconds to respond. Well I don’t know how to respond lol I’m new at this and ps4 someone please help me

  • September 12, 2018 at 3:17 am

    I hear that it is possible to see what random is selected before you actually accept. How is this done, as I am absolutely sick of getting FBI with imbeciles and Cuck Tower at any time.

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