Bag of Tricks Vol. 95: Tarokka Card Collection Manager
Welcome to the latest installment of our Bag of Tricks! On some days you will find useful tricks, gimmicks and ideas here that can make life in Neverwinter Online easier. Some of the stuff should be well known, but since even veterans learn something new every now and then, chance is you can, too.
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After showing you guys how to use alts to generate epic cards in the last installment of our Bag of Tricks, we continue with another nice resource attached to the Ravenloft Tarokka Deck. Icy, whom we already featured once with their interactive shareable maps, has added yet another useful tools to their page. The “Tarokka Card Collection Manager” let’s you track and share your collection. It’s great in case you want to trade for certain cards to complete the deck for example (but you can obviously also simply show off how much grinding you have done lately). The tool is very simple to use. Just start a collection and share a link to it. A Have/Need then shows missing cards and duplicates so other can propose trades based on the data.
Attached to the tool is the hint that the cards can indeed be traded using the ingame mail system. Please be aware however that there is a level of trust involved when completed trades this way. So be careful and limit such activities to your friends list, guild, or alliance.
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Bag of Tricks Vol. 92: Janne’s Theorycrafting Page
Bag of Tricks Vol. 93: Queue Into Different Roles With a Paladin
Bag of Tricks Vol. 94: Claim Tarokka Cards on Each Level 70 Alt
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I like how Icy’s tool let’s you fill the screen horizontally with the deck rather than the in game inventory display which is vertical and requires scrolling. Maybe they’ll move to the horizontal card interface for their Magic the Gathering game, since I think the Tarokka card game in Neverwinter is just a way they are testing in-game card mechanics and visuals in preparation for the Magic game.
About the article here:
I have to complete the entire campaign and unlock Castle Ravenloft? And then I’ll get account-bound or account-wide Cards?
I went there with two characters, just to get the gear and to see the place, and got a High Card from the thingy in useful Items tab, but they are character-bound.
@P Vu, not sure if you have that right as it’s a different team working on The Gathering AFAIK, but the NW Team may have borrowed the idea from The Gathering team.
Yes, you’re probably right about just borrowing the idea.