Community Manager Posts Promised Neverwinter FAQs
Players in Neverwinter don’t often get the chance to directly ask developers about their pressing concerns. So naturally they take every opportunity they get. We’ve already talked about how the Driftwood Tavern format is dominated by players spamming chat with questions, especially since Twitch features some of the more dedicated community. While Community Manager “Julia” pointed out that they do not want to turn the format into a full FAQ, she promised to compile answers to the most frequent questions. Yesterday she followed through and posted the promised answers on the forum.
Not sure what you guys were expecting, but it’s basically a set of very basic questions with very generic answers. That’s not bad per se, but doesn’t really help with the very specific questions from the endgame community that are usually thrown around in Twitch chat. Sure, there’s also always somebody who wants to know about the possibility of Druids in the game. But we however feel that the bombardment of questions means the community wants more frequent and in-depth information and communication. So this might not even help mitigating what is currently happening during streams. We still believe the only way to solve the problem is to actually offer more true FAQ formats.
We Get It: Positive Attitude FTW!
We’re also not sure the last paragraph about supporting streamers will be received too well. This whole mantra about being positive and polite and civil is getting old. I mean it’s certainly something to debate about, but it’s not like anybody is getting supported at the moment. Sure, maybe all of us are evil bastards, but the much more reasonable conclusion is that the community team just isn’t able to get stuff done because of overall workload and whatnot. So an apology that they currently are simply not able to would have been the smarter and more honest move. Instead, they basically say it’s our own fault. Classy!
Anyway, make sure to go through the questions. Maybe there’s something of interest in there for you!
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Not sure if they actually think that is very informative, other game streams have actual information and answer questions.
I don’t understand them even bringing up the topic if ‘Streamer Support’. They just got done nuking them all.
Do they honestly expect streams to be full of friendly and constructive support after that?
Out of the ones I used to watch, I only see Rainer left.
Frankly, it doesn’t even matter what they say in these FAQs. They’ve made it quite clear that Perfect World is pulling the strings … We should be getting answers from Perfect World.