Lost City of Omu Coverage Schedule on Unblogged

Now that the first patch of the Lost City of Omu has been on the preview server for a couple days, we have a decent enough idea what Neverwinter’s Module 13: Lost City of Omu will bring to give you guys a rough outline of our upcoming coverage. Starting on Thursday 18th, we’ll preview all features of the new module. Pending any significant changes or additions to the content, this is the current schedule.

  • tbd: Uncensored Module 13 Toolbase Updates

As always, we’ll make sure you get the best possible information about the Lost City of Omu on Unblogged! We’re looking forward to discuss the new module with you guys in the next weeks.

Neverwinter UN:Blogged is always looking for writers to contribute to the blog. If you are an active player and search for a way to spread your opinions, analysis, diaries or reviews to more than 40,000 regular visitors, then don’t hesitate and get in touch with us on our contact page or message board! We are currently especially looking for console and PVP content, but that’s not exclusive. There is no frequency requirement, you post how often you want.


We are always looking for people that contribute to this blog. For more information contact us via blog@nwo-uncensored.com or check the forum.

4 thoughts on “Lost City of Omu Coverage Schedule on Unblogged

  • January 17, 2018 at 5:54 am

    Great plan. As always, I (we) appreciate the hard work in sharing available information with the rest of us.

  • January 19, 2018 at 1:29 am

    This is a huge projection for the schedule updates and the content for the articles. Thank you very much!

  • March 13, 2018 at 8:21 am

    Hello I would like to know if possible to have the recipes of the quests for the masterwork 4 Thank you in advance

    • March 13, 2018 at 8:48 am

      We’re working on bringing them to you. Stay tuned!

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