Last Puzzle in Tomb of the Nine Gods Gets Solved

The puzzles in the Tomb of the Nine Gods were a fun and intriguing new element to dungeon crawling. Albeit not super challenging, it’s a nice approach to mix things up a little bit. Most puzzles could be figured out pretty early by players, but there was a pesky one left that so far seemed to be simply an annoying trial and error task. But as thefabricant lined out on the Arcgames forum, there’s actually a mechanic involved that makes solving it really easy.

Artifact Sequence Puzzle

What we are talking about here is the artifact sequence puzzle that requires the group to activate six artifacts in a particular order. Usually groups just tried until they succeeded, or even skipped the puzzle altogether. But you can indeed narrow down the correct order a little bit by paying attention to certain tooltips and use the full party to your advantage. Just read through the instructions and you might never have to skip it again! Kudos to the guys for figuring out this one!

Did you already know or have skipped the puzzle like everyone else? Share your thoughts and experience on our social channels, in the comments below, or visit the corresponding thread on our message board!

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