Neverwinter Community Watch
The Community Watch is a recurring format on the weekends that summarizes interesting stories, forum posts, links and news in the Neverwinterverse that are worth reporting, but don’t warrant a full own post.
Here’s what happened during the last week:
- Twitter user DanieBrownT shared a nice piece of art showing “pirate” StrumSlinger.
- Environmental Artiast Jeff Miller blogged about creating Svardborg.
- As always, several Youtuber have guides up for the current Masquerade event: Garlaanx Nova
- TTGHD in the meantime shows you the pumpkin locations.
- Personal blog Neverwinter Thoughts remained active throughout this week and talked about the Masquerade, Byn Shander and leveling.
- Every now and then, these good old Power vs. Crit and Dread vs. Vorpal discussions pop up again.
- And every now and then, JayAgeDee publishes one of his beautiful art environment videos.
- The arcgames community is currently talking about market makers in the game.
- Piercing damage remains one of the more problematic and discussed fields of PVP.
- The fixed level on Pinatas is a pain for lower level player.
- As always, getting a “Great Success” in Heroic Encounters can be a bit tricky as support class.
- A user on reddit suggested quite a few gameplay improvements for the game.
- Competing against Defender Companions as tank can be frustrating.
- “Keygate” has been settled for now. The original news even made it to Massively Overpowered, which rarely publish such things.
- Pretty much nobody was a fan of the change and here’s FNHUSA57’s take.
- In the light of Keygate, some detailed solutions for dungeon chest loot have been published.
- NWOHACKANDSLAH did some more updates on their TR build.
- @diogene0 raises some concerns about damage immunities in this post.
- Console GFs were briefed how to run the new Fangbreaker Island dungeon.
- Of course everybody wants to know which class is dealing the most DPS in Mod 10.
- A lot of SW guides out there for Storm Kings Thunder already, but it doesn’t hurt to add another one?
- A lowbie Ranger in the meantime feels revitalized. Youtuber Laz X agrees and previews a Combat HR.
- ItsViral took on a solo challenge on the Xbox against epic GWD.
- The Firemane is the latest lockbox addition. Garlaanx has a preview and another user shows the drops of 100 openings.