Patch Note Parser: NW.100.20180709g.28 or Siege Madness
Neverwinter Uncensored’s patch note parser runs through any bigger patch notes and offers additional context to the changes that were made to the game. Today we are taking a closer look into version “NW.100.20180709g.28“.
[su_quote cite=”Patch Notes”]Storming the Castle: The functionality of this quest has been reverted while we test a solution that allows players to receive credit in public queues.[/su_quote]
The weekly siege quest is apparently still very much a work in progress. The devs tried to change the functionality of the “Storming the Castle” two weeks ago, but broke the ability to resolve the quest in the process. Temporarily giving players back the old functionality is a very fair approach that should be applauded. It means the Siege farm is on again!
[su_quote cite=”Patch Notes”]Trickster Rogue: Invisible Infiltrator now only procs once off a single cast of Bloodbath.[/su_quote]
Players that do not actively play a Rogue probably neither care nor understand the implications of the single line above, but it’s actually a small but substantial change for many builds. A user on the message board has done a nice job writing up most of the important info. Give it a look.
[su_quote cite=”Patch Notes”]The frame rate no longer drops when the player has a primary quest without a Quest Path.[/su_quote]
Hurray? This game has the strangest bugs!
There’s some more stuff in today’s build by the way and you can look up the full change here.
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But how big is the patch?
Recently, they have been nicely sized at a few hundred MB at most, but sometimes they hit us with 5 or 6 GB. The Preview Server would be 10 GB at the moment.