Toronto-Based Gamer Jordan Wolfowich Briefly Banned After Utilizing the Username ‘Jewpac Shalom’ in Neverwinter

Browsing the internet we sometimes encounter seemingly random stories that then turn out to be somewhat connected to Neverwinter. The one about Jordan Wolfowich, a player from Canada, is such a case. As reported by “CJN”, the Toronto-based gamer ran into the (lack of) Perfect World support after he got banned over an allegedly “bad” username. Being with the game since its launch in 2013, Jordan’s character name “Jewpac Shalom” suddenly violated the game’s terms of service. Apparently solely having the word “jew” in it got him on the blacklist. The customer support acknowledged that other players had reported the name and wanted Jordan to simply change it. He fought back however and was eventually able to retain it.

[su_quote]For software developers this is simply part of a growing problem of the toxicity of online gaming culture. Most companies have created broad lists of banned words to keep the peace, but the results have been imperfect.[/su_quote]

You can probably start a full political panel here, but this is actually more about resources and the black/white algorithm Perfect World is using. We already know from other incidents that bans are automated and manual verification, if at all, only happens when players complain through the support ticket system. In a perfect world (ha!) this obviously should be the other way round, but in Neverwinter we’ve long accepted that you’ll get banned first and questions are asked later. So it’s at least encouraging to see that not all players accept this and successfully strike back!

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4 thoughts on “Toronto-Based Gamer Jordan Wolfowich Briefly Banned After Utilizing the Username ‘Jewpac Shalom’ in Neverwinter

  • June 21, 2018 at 12:50 pm

    It was a fun battle lemme tell ya! Thanks for the coverage on my fight for my name!

  • June 21, 2018 at 2:05 pm

    I think policing words/phrases online must be a PITA. Unfortunately for service providers they have to choose if they want to play the role of censor or not. The down side to playing the role of censor is that you also take on the liability for what you censor.

    You censor one word but miss another, someone could can call you out on unequal protection.

    It’s a slippery slope. I’d assume there is some organization out there that creates the list of words and keeps them updated. Then you could just say we are XYZ compliant. Then XYZ can be the focus of the legal aspects of the list.

  • June 22, 2018 at 12:28 am

    On the naming side, I have a friend and guild member who cannot use his real surname for his xbox account because it violates the naming conventions.

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