Bag of Tricks Vol. 107: Xbox Controller Layout for PC!

Bog of Tricks Logo Welcome to the latest installment of our Bag of Tricks! On some days you will find useful tricks, gimmicks and ideas here that can make life in Neverwinter Online easier. Some of the stuff should be well known, but since even veterans learn something new every now and then, chance is you can, too.

Neverwinter and the console style of play seems to be a natural fit. The action based combat and relatively few active skills (compared to traditional MMOs) makes handling all aspects of the game with a controller fairly easy. That’s why even players on PC frequently ask for official controller support.

So far Cryptic hasn’t been able or willing to fill the players’ requests. That doesn’t however mean that you can’t play Neverwinter with a console gamepad. This Reddit post has all the info you need to use your Xbox controller layout on PC. Especially if you’re playing on multiple platforms it might help to use the same type of input.

There unfortunately doesn’t seem to be an equally useful post for PS4 controllers, but we will update this article in case we find something. In the meantime, you can at least attach your Xbox gamepad and have some fun with it!

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