Bag of Tricks Vol. 60: Smartest Ways to Grab the New Snail Mounts From Summer Festival
Welcome to the latest installment of our Bag of Tricks! On some days you will find useful tricks, gimmicks and ideas here that can make life in Neverwinter Online easier. Some of the stuff should be well known, but since even veterans learn something new every now and then, chance is you can, too.
As we’ve shown you in our guide this week there’s a lot of rewards to grab from the ongoing Summer Festival. But most seasoned players will probably eye the Snail Mounts as these were newly added to the event. The acquisition of both is not as hard and complicated, but it can’t hurt to go over the best ways of getting the Fungal and Forest. Both currently sport two Barbed and one Universal slot by the way, making them eligible for the Artificer’s Persuasion, Magistrate’s Patience and Victim’s Preservation Insignia Bonuses.
Fungal Flail Snail
If you turn in your daily over the complete duration of the event, you’ll be able buy the Mount with 21 Tokens on the last day. There are two ways of speeding up the process. You can either buy additional Favors with Copper Tickets or on the ZEN market. Since the reward binds to character anyway, there’s really no incentive to rush to your Mount. Depending on how often you’re able to log in and what else you want from the Favor store, you might need to invest a few ZEN in case you really, really want the Mount this year. However even if you miss up to a week you should easily be able to get enough Favors from the daily quests and your tickets.
Forest Flail Snail
It’s a different story for the Forest variant, which comes as unbound reward from the Petal store. Petals are uncapped and can be farmed all day any day. Since the Snail should sell for a nice amount early on, it might make sense to go after it as fast as possible. Please note however that the market is bound to crash hard. So it might make more sense to act smart and utilize the Festival’s Height, in which all Petals are doubled.
Petals come from various locations, but some make more sense than others. The contests net them, but it’s a comparably high effort for the given gain. The 18-hour task in the event profession is a no-go as well. What you can definitely do is trade in your Favors or 15 Copper Tickets for 220 Petals each. That way you should easily be able to get close to 500 Petals per day just from doing the dailies and your Ticket-Ball, or one Forest Snail per week.
Be smart
And then there’s gathering flowers in the Blooming Boughs. If you find a comparably empty instance you can easily farm one Snail every few hours just by picking flowers and trading them in for Petals. You need 5,600 flowers for one Mount. It is a lot, but you can get there. But here’s also where you need to be smart. All the Petal packs you can get for Favors, Tickets and flowers net double rewards during the Festival Height. So what you farm now could be worth twice as many Snails later on. It’s hard to say what makes most sense AD-wise as it’s dependent on how fast the market is going to recover and whether the Snails might re-appear later, in the Winter Event Gifts for example.
While the decision how fast to go for the new Snail Mounts is one you need to make on your own, now you at least now the best ways to acquire them! Have fun with your new toys!
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Bag of Tricks Vol. 58: How to Get the Mimic Kingslayer Achievement
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