Julia “Nitocris83” Fredrickson Celebrates One-Year Anniversary at Cryptic

Today it’s time to dish out some congrats to our Community Manager Julia “Nitocris83” Fredrickson! She survived one year with us as spearhead of the Neverwinter community! That’s worth something, right?

Ok, in all seriousness, time flies, as Terramak mentioned on Twitter. We wouldn’t have known if not for a tweet of Julia herself, where she jokingly congratulated the Star Trek Online CM, which has been employed at the same time.

Positive Tenure, but Bumpy Road

We would rate her tenure as mostly positive so far. As first CM ever she actively posts on the message board when doing the usual “Monday sweep” and compiling community feedback for the devs. The Driftwood Tavern streams also were a welcomed addition, but have unfortunately stopped since the departure of StrumSlinger.

That doesn’t mean there haven’t been challenges down the road. In the first two months she already had to deal with a broken promotion and broken Starlight Parcels during the Winter Festival. Then, in May, the community team became the unfortunate face of #Fredricksonbangate, which saw an unspecified amount of players getting banned for no reason.

So yeah, being a CM is not always easy. This dude is probably right. We should thank our Community Manager a lot more and hope she’s going to endure us a little longer!

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One thought on “Julia “Nitocris83” Fredrickson Celebrates One-Year Anniversary at Cryptic

  • November 16, 2017 at 3:29 am

    I am not very happy about her. i once pm’d her on forums about an exploit where you can bug the 2nd boss in MSP and then easily kill it . She is yet to even reply telling me she received the message or they are looking into it or it is WAI.

    BTW the bug is still there

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