The Lowbie Diaries Vol. 44: Random Queue Difficulties
Welcome to a project, experiment, challenge or whatever you wanna call it. Normally experiencing the content with well-geared toons, I figured it would be quite interesting to approach the game from the perspective of a casual player. How does it feel starting from scratch and build up a character without the help of your mains? How long does it take until you are geared enough for the latest endgame content? Welcome to the Lowbie Diaries, it should be fun!
The random queues seem to be a natural fit to test the Lowbie Diaries against. They are aimed at making life easier for the “pug” population, and my little Cleric qualifies as such. But I have the same issue as probably many other casual players right now. I haven’t yet completed the mess that is Storm Kings Thunder. It’s not that I couldn’t have, but I’m not setting another foot into that module ever again. So my goal right from the start was to buy the Storm King’s Thunder Campaign Completion. I technically have enough ADs and ZEN, but a couple weeks before a potential Black Friday sale, it doesn’t make tons of sense.
So for now I’m stuck with the normal dungeon and skirmish queue. I’m making more ADs than before, but I also never got into those 2x ESOT / ETOS runs, which I probably could have. One underestimated side effect of running one skirmish per day was that you already gathered some Forgotten Totems even though you hadn’t started the campaign yet. Now that Folly is no longer part of the queue, I would still advise to keep it in your daily rotation for the Totems. Additionally the pants and shirt are nice and easy upgrade for lowbies.
Cloaked Ascendancy Nearly Completed
While waiting for the Black Friday sale and unlocking Storm Kings Thunder and all epic queues, I keep working on the Cloaked Ascendancy. I’m nearing the end there, but have unfortunately still not amassed enough Arcane Magical Writings and Petrified Dust to buy my weapons. That’s really a pain. I have exclusively ran Nostura’s Castle and Heroic Encounters to get through the campaign and imho that should be enough to get your weapons at the end. I absolutely won’t continue to grind the zone. So I have to decide whether to buy up the Writings that I’m still missing or go for the Chult set instead. Fortunately Writings nowadays do not cost a fortune any longer…
That’s it for today. See you next time!
The Lowbie Diaries Vol. 39: Dread Ring on One Weekend
The Lowbie Diaries Vol. 40: To Lowbie, or Not to Be
The Lowbie Diaries Vol. 41: Farming the River District
The Lowbie Diaries Vol. 42: How to Adjust to Changes as a Lowbie
The Lowbie Diaries Vol. 43: Tackling Events Like Portobello
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