Merchant Prince Lockbox RNG Test and Review
Today we continue our RNG tests and reviews of lockboxes by looking at the Merchant Prince Lockbox. I have performed similar tests for the Lockbox of the Nine and the Many-Starred Lockbox. Just click through in case you’re interested in those numbers.
The current lockbox is live on PC since the Tomb of Annihilation update and for users this is a great resource in terms of what to expect from it. The lockbox not only features multiple upgrades to the rewards, but also to drop rates of blue packs. So without further ado, here are the numbers, which I have also incorporated in our RNG toolbox.
[su_box title=”More on Tomb of Annihilation!” radius=”0″]Want all the latest on the new Tomb of Annihilation update? Click here for the full coverage![/su_box]
The Results
Item | Amount | % |
1x Warded Enchantment Pack | 4,820 | 24.10 |
1x Lost Artifact Equipment Pack | 4,497 | 22.49 |
1x Expedition Companion Pack | 4,274 | 21.37 |
1x Jungle Cat Mount Pack | 3,905 | 19.53 |
1x Port Nyanzaru Stronghold Pack | 2,159 | 10.80 |
1x Tarmalune Trade Bar Jackpot | 136 | 0.68 |
1x Tamed Velociraptor | 98 | 0.49 |
1x Cavalry Tyrannosaur | 76 | 0.38 |
1x Legendary Tyrannosaur Pack | 35 | 0.18 |
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As usual you’ll roughly have a 1% chance at one of the major prices, with the legendary one coming in at 0.18%. This is in line with earlier lockboxes. Based on the rather large sample you can suggest that the enchantment pack actually drops slightly more than the others. I also like that the stronghold pack drops significantly less, because it should be the least useful pack from the blue drops to most.
Blue drops
I’ve already mentioned in the preview of the lockbox that several blue packs drop more or better stuff. The artifact equipment pack for example has more marks and refining points, the companion pack no longer rank 7s and the stronghold pack comes with four vouchers instead of 2-3.
Warded Enchantment Pack
But it’s not only the rewards that makes the blue drops superior to former ones. The devs additionally upped the drop rates for the upper tier rewards in the enchantment pack. Here are a few examples:
- Superior Mark of Potencys drop at a chance of 15%, up from 10%
- Brilliant Diamonds drop at a chance of 4%, up from 0.3%
- Black Opals drop at a chance of 34%, up from 5%
In addition to the very popular Feytouched Enchantment this makes the pack the best one the game has seen so far. Just don’t expect to get too many Coalescent Wards. In my tests they only dropped with a rate of 1/300. Wards are still a nice addition and I can see why the devs are being very cautious here.
Other Packs
There is no similar enhancement to the drop rates of other packs, but they still feature better overall rewards. The refining point and mark market is probably going to experience a hit and it might be time to re-evaluate the viability of running Dread Ring lairs. Those looking for the Demon Lords’ Artifact Set will be pleased to see Baphomet’s Infernal Talisman and Demogorgon’s Girdle of Might in the drops. With the Lockbox of the Nine featuring the Shard of Orcus’ Wand, it should be relatively easy to complete the set for little AD now.
The companion and mount packs in the meantime are not special, but do not fall behind either. Stalwart Golden Lion and Crab are useful companions that could make the roster with their active bonuses. The mount pack not featuring unique mounts is a minor drawback, but who’s going to complain as the lockbox features dinos as epic rewards? The dropped insignias are of type “A” and “C”, again complementing the Lockbox of the Nine, which featured “B”.
Unfortunately the lockbox has a few bugs that are not major, but worth mentioning. It’s mostly related to the tooltips:
- The stronghold pack states that it drops one voucher per tier when it’s actually two.
- The Jungle Cat Mount Pack lists a “Heavy Tiger” when it actually drops a White Tiger.
- The Warded Enchantment Pack does not drop rank 8 enchantments.
Glorious Resurgence Lockbox
I did a separate test on the Module 12 version of the Glorious Resurgence Lockbox and as usual the drop rates match those of the Merchant Prince one. The Glorious Resurgence Legendary Pack came in at only 0.11%, but that could be a sample size issue. The only new addition is the Runeclad Manticore by the way.
It’s easy to foresee that this lockbox will be the players’ favorite for a while. Everybody loves the dino mounts and the line of blue drops makes this box significantly better than earlier ones. The lack of rank 8 enchantments is a bit annoying, but it’s not like they dropped in bunches from other boxes anyway. Overall this makes the lockbox a pretty strong candidate for your keys now and in the future.
I hope you liked our data and short review of the Merchant Prince Lockbox! In case you have any comments or questions, post them below and visit the corresponding thread on our message board!
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i honestly don’t buy the idea of a .18% drop rate on trex lega packs. I got one after opening a tiny 5 boxes. Now granted it can be pure luck how ever auc house has a ton of them and i see them dropping in large numbers daily. I thing it has more to do with opening rapid fire EG 1000 keys and you get 18 out of a 1000 (.18%) this is because of nested rngs and one rng triggering another and another and so on. Where if your a normal person and are spending a moderate amount on keys or none at all your rate is likely to be much higher potentially as high as say 1 in a hundred or higher. In other words open your boxes at a slower rate and maybe close your inventory window now and then when cracking multiple boxes you might have more luck..
Not sure what a “nested rng” is. I suspect that “one rng triggering another and another” means that devs made rng seed the next one. Highly doubt that they’d allocate resources for that. You seem to believe in some voodoo making randomness more random.
Also you seem to consider that somehow fast opening the lockboxes could overwhelm the computer processes, so one should click slowly and let the machine recover from the effort. Really?
Statistics will tell you that you’ll get about 18 legendaries from 1000 lockboxes, but it will not tell
– if you will get 18 or more, or less, or none, for that matter
– if those 18/more/less will be in the first 100, in the last 100 or in between
All it tells is that if all players from Neverwinter open 1000 lockboxes, they’ll get 18 legendaries on average.
well, do the math again, its 1,8 not 18
True. It’s only 1,8 tyranosaurus pack for 1000 Keys. So gg you got one out of 5 boxes. Still a good Box compared to many others but as always not worth buying Keys for it even with 40% voucher
Depending on somebody’s “luck” of course, but dropping at 20% for 5 boxes and then making up for it by being at 0% for 2000 boxes? It’s like using 45 preservation wards to upgrade a 5% item every few times you upgrade. Or failing a 75% chance 3 to 6 times in a row every few days when opening thievery nature etc kits. Decidedly unrandom, like seeing the admin chat have a person get a tamed and then 5 seconds later a cavalry. That isn’t a random number generator, it’s bullshit.