Neverwinter Uncensored Console Mount Giveaway

It’s not quite Christmas yet, but Neverwinter Uncensored nonetheless decided to gift console players with some unique and rare mount skins! Starting today until the end of the month (Pacific time) we are running a social giveaway for a chance to win one of six mounts (four different ones) on Xbox and PS4. Due to the prizes being for different platforms and regions, you will need to specify some extra data so that we are able to correctly pick the winners. Just follow the instructions below and good luck!

  • The first winner that specified “PS4” as platform will receive a “Cerulean Unicorn“.
  • The second winner that specified “PS4” as platform will receive a “Teal Stained Gorgon“.
  • third winner that specified “PS4” as platform and “North America” as region will receive a “Teal Stained Gorgon“.
  • The first winner that specified “Xbox” as platform will receive a “Chartreuse Unicorn“.
  • The second  winner that specified “Xbox” as platform will receive a “Vert Stained Gorgon“.
  • third winner that specified “Xbox” as platform and “North America” as region will receive a “Vert Stained Gorgon“.
We will redraw some winners until all mounts can be distributed. Please note that all handed out codes expire at the end of the year and have to be redeemed before that. Also some rewards can only be claimed once per account. If you already have a specific reward, then the code will come back with an error message.

Neverwinter Uncensored Console Mount Giveaway

Neverwinter UN:Blogged is always looking for writers to contribute to the blog. If you are an active player and search for a way to spread your opinions, analysis, diaries or reviews to more than 40,000 regular visitors, then don’t hesitate and get in touch with us on our contact page or message board! We are currently especially looking for console and PVP content, but that’s not exclusive. There is no frequency requirement, you post how often you want.


We are always looking for people that contribute to this blog. For more information contact us via or check the forum.

7 thoughts on “Neverwinter Uncensored Console Mount Giveaway

  • November 19, 2017 at 8:57 am

    xbox north america

  • November 22, 2017 at 8:20 am

    Xbox UK

  • November 22, 2017 at 1:49 pm

    Hey guys. Please just use the giveaway app above to fill in the necessary data. Posting in the comments will not let you enter the giveaway. Cheers!

  • December 2, 2017 at 2:44 pm

    How do i know if i won

    • December 3, 2017 at 6:20 am

      We’ve contacted all winners through e-mail yesterday.

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