Neverwinter Weekender: Refinement and Vouchers
The Neverwinter Weekender is our weekly column that contains everything you need to know to have some fun along the Sword Coast on the weekends! We’ll inform you guys about the events across all platforms, preview and review them as well as hand out some tips and guides. This is the perfect spot to start off your adventures!
Double Refinement on consoles
Double Refinement has arrived on consoles this weekend and because it’s the first since the Cloaked Ascendancy module, quite a few will probably get their new weapons to legendary! As always check out our Market Tools to get the fastest route to max level in the refining game. To sweeten the deal the devs also throw in a 15% Refinement sale (+ Pack sale on the PS4). Oh, and there’s Celeste in Blood Ruby Packs, but our regular readers know to stay away from them. The value is just not there.
At the same time the clock is slowly running out for the Day of the Dungeon Master and Beholder Mount. With Strange Things At Burrow Dawn Inn the last week has arrived, so make sure to wrap up the Portobello campaign!
Voucher time!
PC user do not have to be jealous as their event lineup is equally great. The Siege of Neverwinter is a decent way to amass vouchers for your guild (they drop on the event map quite frequently) or to grab one of the better Utility Enchantments in the Quartermaster’s. On top of that the event rewards have been updated and now feature a Griffon Mount for 14 Writs. Meaning if you do your dailies, you will be able to afford it at the end of the Siege. It’s the first available free epic Mount and we totally recommend going for it!
The Siege already offers plenty of farming possibility, but in case that’s not enough, how about Double Enchantment, a Trade Bar store, Key and Pack sale? WOW! In terms of Keys the only real downside is the current backlog of the ZAX, which could make trading in your ADs in time impossible.
The Driftwood Tavern #4
At 10 AM Pacific Time today the Community Managers will gather on the PerfectWorld Twitch channel for the 4th episode of The Driftwood Tavern stream! It could certainly become one of the more interesting editions with the community still pushing for an extended clarification about the most recent ban wave that saw a massive amount of innocent users hit. The news post states that they are going to address “some major concerns that have come up in these past two weeks”. So here’s hoping that’s not just a repetition of half-truths and cover-ups!
We hope you guys will enjoy the weekend with our overview! In case you have any questions or remarks, make sure to put them in the comments or visit the corresponding thread on our message board!
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