Swords of Chult Preview: Inventory Management Upgrades
With today’s article we are starting our extended coverage of Neverwinter’s upcoming Tomb of Annihilation mid-module update! Before we go all numbers and theorycraft into the Bonding and Refinement changes, I want to start on a lighter note and preview with the quality of life update.
[su_box title=”More on Module 12b!” radius=”0″]Want all the latest on the next mid-module update? Click here for the full coverage![/su_box]
Quest Journal, Sword Coast Chronicles, Now Inventory
After bringing interface upgrades to both the quest journal and Sword Coast Chronicles, the next project of the devs is a highly anticipated one. The inventory will finally get a lot of additional options to make managing a lot easier. With the refinement changes, which we will preview a later point, you’ll probably have as much bag space as ever and additionally will be able to perform certain everyday tasks faster than before.
There’s a new button at the bottom right of your inventory that opens the new options. Most of the stuff is self-explanatory, but you can also visit the official dev blog where the functions are explained.
Lots of Filters and Search Functions
These already contain majorly useful stuff. But it gets even better when browsing to the “Display Options”, which features a ton of additional filter and search options. It will probably remind you a lot of the quest journal. And well, just like that one, this is also super helpful. Finding certain items has never been easier because you can either narrow down types or rarities. At vendors, show only sellable stuff, same for the Auction House or trades. I’m sure much of it won’t frequently be utilized, but those that find a use will appreciate it. And that’s exactly what quality of life changes are all about.
I personally am already a fan of filtering by rarity and un-show the bags for example. It’ll help me find salvage that I have accumulated over a session. And the trash you need to sell on a daily basis is a lot easier to crawl through as well.
I’m sure other players will find their favorites in the options sooner or later. Have you already figured out or can imagine how to utilize the new enhanced inventory management? Share your thoughts in the comments below and visit the corresponding thread on our message board!
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Will there be any kind of “autoloot” System implemented live in Otter mmos where you can Set automatic roll setting and perhaps even dispatch the anoying Information what you have get which stays for a long time? Epecially if 3 People picks up stuff like rank 5s it simply distore the view